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About Us

A to Z Healthcare is a specialist Health and Social Care Agency working in partnership with Social Services, Community Mental Health Teams and private individuals within Essex and surrounding boroughs offering high quality care services.

We appreciate each service user as an individual and work as a team to provide the best degree of service user care while maintaining individuality, confidentiality, and dignity.

We aim to empower people to shape their own future based on their skills, passions, and capacities in order to maximise their freedom, embrace personal responsibility, and respect others, regardless of their abilities.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to assist and encourage individuals in realising their full potential so that they can live healthy lives while recognizing their circumstances.
To do this, we design and arrange our services so that the client or service user is in control of their care. They are involved from the beginning of the inquiry process to the day-to-day decisions that affect their care.

  • We also make certain that each service user is assigned a care or support worker who will serve as the client's primary point of contact for all of their care needs.

  • We take steps to guarantee that all essential data and information about a client's care is gathered, processed, and stored properly and securely.

  • We promote strong communication about all service users' care between employees, clients, their families, management, and other associated organisations.

  • Individuals, their families, and local governments benefit from our services because they are cost-effective and efficient.

Our Values


  • We value the service user's opinions and wishes.


  • Our goal is to give service users the ability to make decisions concerning their own care.


  • We are focused on delivering a welcoming, safe, and efficient service to all service users.

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